Homework R1 Step 1: Read about Concept Maps here: How to Create a Concept Map https://web.archive.org/web/20110303200149/http://library.usu.edu/instruct/tutorials/cm/CMinstruction2.htm Some examples are at https://web.archive.org/web/20151025003734/http://people.emich.edu/jmargerum/edmt330/conceptmap.htm Step 2: Make a concept map for what you have learned about regression so far. Note that some concept maps don't include labels on the connectors, but I think they are often important. Note that while software exists to create concept maps, I don't think it's worth your time to learn any particular software. Instead, just use pencil and paper, and upload a photo of it to turn it in. Or, use "Insert->Shapes" in Excel to insert some ovals and arrows, like the way this shows: http://www.internet4classrooms.com/excel_concept_map.htm We will be adding on to/revising this concept map in later homeworks once we've seen fancier regression stuff. ----------------------------------------------------------- Optional Reading: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concept_map http://apps.svsu.edu/mathsci-center/uploads/math/gmconcept.htm http://cda.morris.umn.edu/~mcquarrb/teachingarchive/M1102/Tests/CMTaylorSeries.pdf "Concept mapping in mathematics : research into practice" / Karoline Afamasaga-Fuata'i, editor (electronic version available via EMU library) Optional Software: http://www.text2mindmap.com/ (though that doesn't put labels on the links!!!) http://cmap.ihmc.us/ http://www.inspiration.com/